Sunday, January 14, 2007

Good Tips and Knife makers

Whenever traveling into the back country, it is always a good idea to carry a map and compass. (And you better know how to use them!) It is also ALWAYS important to carry a good quality knife. A few knife makers I can reccomend for survival knives are:Ka-Bar (any knife), Camillus (USAF Survival Knife), Cold Steel (Survival Rescue Knife), SOG (Seal knife 2000 and Seal Pup regular or Elite), Schrade (Extreme Survival Knife...going outta business, better get one quick!), Buck (any knife), Ontario (SP-8 Machete, SP-2 Airforce Survial, SP-4 Navy etc.), and Becker (Companion, etc. ) There are many other good knife brands I did not list...Do some research...Ask around...(hey, I got a 70.00 SOG Seal Pup knife for FREE!) You never know...Ask an Old Dude...They know a lot. They will tell you a good old brand like Case...(who, by the way, makes excellent knives...) Just check some out and ask before you buy...God Bless and remember to play it safe in the outdoors so you wont have to put survival skills into practice in a real life or death situation...later-survivaldude

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